
Posts Tagged ‘annie rose shapero’

Etsy Tools with Annie Rose Shapero

March 18, 2010 Leave a comment

Mercy Corps Northwest works with a lot of artisans and crafty folks, and it was great to be able to offer a class geared just towards them. It was also appreciated on their side – the class filled up very quickly, and we had 23 people join us on that Tuesday night last week.

Annie Rose Shapero did an overview of the whole Etsy universe, focusing in particular on photos, tagging, promotion and search engine optimization. We realized, as with many of our classes, that participants had varying degrees of familiarity with Etsy. We also had a couple of questions come up that merited their own treatment in the presentation. So we may need to do another Etsy class geared towards a more specific audience, much like with our Facebook class with Benjamin Tomkins in April, which is specifically for people already using Facebook. We’re also looking to do more classes focused specifically towards craftspeople.

Otherwise, people appreciated the extensive resource list Annie Rose included, the chance to meet and chat with each other during the class, the tips and tricks about best methods for tagging and promoting within Etsy, as well as the honest appraisal of the amount of time they’d need to spend on their Etsy shop to see the best results.

“The search engine, inside Etsy options, tagging, promotion info were useful. Presenter did an excellent job of sharing her info”

“Fun and good content”

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